Guitar Girl Magazine
See us in the latest issue of Guitar Girl Magazine. Read the whole issue here.
See us in the latest issue of Guitar Girl Magazine. Read the whole issue here.
Based on years of working on guitar…since 1972. See Roger’s video below for a full rundown of how to setup your instrument. Written instructions are below. Download a .pdf copy. Also check out our Roger’s setup specs and our string change page for more setup info. Bass Setup Instructions “I’d like to take this opportunity to share with you my …
Based on years of working on guitar…since 1972.Maple FingerboardsMaple boards are easy to care for as they almost always have a finish on them to keep the maple clean looking. Any light, non abrasive guitar polish or any good glass cleaner (Windex (Foaming spray can is best), Perfect Glass etc.) is all you need. It …
Continue reading “Fingerboard Cleaning and Oiling: Everything You Could Ever Want to Know”
Hi Everyone, Our new smaller workshop is getting into a great groove now. Ellis and Lukasz have been joined by Jacob Somogye, who started with us two years ago. JR Hevron works remotely to handle our website and social media. I must confess that I am loving the smaller workshop and my wonderful crew. We will …
Sadowsky Guitars ReopensWe are happy to announce that Sadowsky Guitars has reopened following our COVID19 closure. We will remain closed to the public until conditions improve further.Our shop will be much smaller than before… my crew will consist of Ellis Hahn and Lukasz Gunia. Ellis is a 15-year veteran of Sadowsky Guitars… my shop manager …
Hello Everyone,There has been a lot of speculation and questions on social media about the Warwick partnership and model lines. I want to explain everything in detail so that there is no confusion.First of all, I am not retiring! This is a licensing and distribution agreement only. I remain fully involved and behind all decisions …
Continue reading “Note from Roger about the Sadowsky/Warwick Licensing Agreement”
We hope that you can make it to the 2020 NAMM show in Anaheim CA this weekend. If you didn’t get a chance to check out our instruments, we’ve gathered photos of most of them here.Many of these instruments have sold, but contact Carl Luckert by email or phone (718.433.1990/ carl@sadowsky.com) a similar one. Click on …
Continue reading “Sadowsky NYC Custom Shop NAMM 2020 Instruments”
Long Island City, NY: December 16, 2019—​We’d like to announce a new licensing and distribution partnership between Sadowsky Guitars and Warwick. While Sadowsky Guitars will continue to run the Sadowsky NYC Custom Shop, where we will make our NYC Custom Shop Instruments, Warwick will build and distribute our Metro and MetroExpress instruments. Warwick will also …
Continue reading “Warwick Gmbh to be Exclusive Licensee for Sadowsky Guitars Ltd.”
Thanks to Connie Bolger for a great post on Sadowsky Guitars! Read the full entry here: https://sdphotogal.blogspot.com/2019/09/sadowsky-guitars-visit-photographs.html
It’s 5/24, the worldwide holiday that honors the 5-string/24-fret bass!To celebrate, we talked to Roger Sadowsky about our history with the 5-string bass and how our models have evolved over the years.Below the video, see all of our currently available 5/24 basses as well as the rest of our 5-string bass stock. Also, see past 5-string basses on our Recently Sold NYC …